04 January 2013

Sofeya, CIC and mama yang terkantoi nak menipu

I am currently having some 'me' time at home.

Best siot. Haha.


Ni entry pasal Sofeya and school. As blogged dulu2,kat sini, she quit school halfway last year. No lah, i prefer the word NOT READY. She's not a quitter, she is just not ready.

This year, tak de alasan dah. Cemaner pun kena jugak pegi sekolah. Since Nov haritu aku dah start survey good kindergarten. Not necessarily mahal, as long as the teachers can accommodate to her needs.

U see, her problem is actually separation anxiety. So when she cries, the last thing that she needs is the teachers scolding her. She is just sad, and she needs someone to hug and feel her. (Literally!)

Ye.. anak saya mmg drama. Ikut sapa  ntah aku tak tau *tangan di dada mata ke atas*

Considered few options area Shah Alam ni, and finally we decided to masukkan her kat CIC (Child Islamic Center). Betul2 depan rumah aku  ni ha, jalan kaki je.

Sini pun ada program KAFA after school, so aku hantar Balqis ke situ sekali.

The orientation was for 2 weeks (mid Dec haritu).

Then start sekolah betul2 on 2 January.

Oh what can I say ye about budak ni and the school.... hmmm..

I think so far so good kot.

One factor, sbb CIC kat sini still baru (baru bukak last year) so the students tak ramai sgt. Bila tak kramai sgt, the teachers can pay attention to her. Kalau nangis tu mmg siap peluk dukung la aku tgk. hihihi..

Other factor, cause now we know her problem (separation anxiety) so aku dah warn the teachers. Aku sendiri pun dah start belajar mengeraskan hati. Kau nak nangis.. nangis la.. tapi sekolah tetap kena pegi!

And most importantly, sejak maid tak de, Sofeya sendiri banyak improve. Dah kurang tantrum compared to dulu. Kalau nangis pagi masa nak pegi skolah pun, tak de nak bergolek2 atas lantai.

Now, pagi2 mmg masih nangis lagi nak pegi sekolah. Tapi time balik sekolah, alhamdulillah so far mmg dia ceria. The teachers pun cakap dia nangis kejap je. Lepas tu okay.

Fuh, lega mak nakkkk

Masa hantar, normally aku kena cakap kat dia yg mama akan tunggu kat luar pintu. Kalau cakap kita balik, mmg dia bantai melalak. Fine, tipu sunat.

Then haritu, aku tanya dia

"Makan apa kat sekolah hari ni?"

"Makan roti.. ada apa ntah kat roti tu.. adik tak tahu"

"Ada apa? telur ke? kaya ke? nutella ke?"



"NAMPAKKKKKK... Tapi mama pun tak tau apa kat dalam roti tu..."

Ish ish ishh....

Tu baru satu.. ni haritu kantoi lagi

Aku tanya

"Adik nangis lagi tak hari ni?"



Wah wah pandai kau nak kantoikan mama ye...

Ni gambar2 dia masa tgh tunggu balqis balik skolah. Masa ni mmg ceria. Cer kalau pagi2.. ko kuar henfon nak snap gambar mmg dia bantai melalak!

"Mama! ambik la gambar adik!" Ala, peace tak nampak muka la!

"Cam ni ok ma?"

"Ambik gambar konon2 adik tido!"

Ok lah ye.. saya nak kemas rumah dan nak masak. tata!


blu4sky said...


my eldest dulu pun masuk CIC and my 2nd htr kat daycare CIC.. the teachers and baby sitters memang bagus..but too bad masa tu management yg hampeh..hopefully the management have improved.. sayang sebab teachers CIC mmg bagus and baik2..

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

oh ye ke? ye la i also notis that the teachers mmg bagus.. hopefully ok lah yg ni.. :)

Norhani Abdul Rahman said...

oklah tu cuna, tak boleh banding dengan kaktin, debot debot masa tu , kalau nangis, cikgu peluk dan cium jugak, kena angkat, sampai cikgu tumbang! hahahaha...tak boleh lupa aku!

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

hahaha aku pun tak boleh lupa yang tu!

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