28 February 2012

Penutup meroyan (bukan penutup blog!)

Setelah berentry2 yang berbau meroyan, skang ni aku rasa dah tiba masa untuk let go.

Last week aku spent byk masa berfikir and decide apa yang terbaik.

Meanwhile, I am trying to live and be grateful with what I have know.

I should be grateful I have a job and I should be thankful I have a maid yang sayang anak aku mcm anak sendiri.

You see, kebelakangan ni aku asyik komplen je keje hari2. Ada je benda tak kena.

So from  now on, aku berazam, and aku berharap, so that I will be more grateful, and less complaining.

Aku pk, I will live my life to the fullest. Enjoy what I have now. Do my best in everything. And kalau things doesn’t go the way I wanted it to be, well too bad la then. At least I have done my best.. kan?

Rezeki ada kat mana2.

Kalau aku dah usaha, aku dah doa and tawakal, tapi rezeki tak menyebelahi aku, then aku anggap mmg tak de rezeki.

Yang penting, aku tak nak hidup jadi hamba kat duit. Hidup semata2 nak kejar duit. Penat lah. Penat, tau?

Despite whatever aku komplen and tak happy, I must realize that benda2 ni ni semua sementara je. Semua ni duniawi je. So aku malas nak pk and stress benda2 yang tak de faedah.

I want to be good muslimah. I hope I will be a better muslimah everyday. Aku suka dikelillingi org2 yang strive nak mendapatkan hidayah. Aku suka dikelilingi org yg remind aku pasal keagamaan.  Reminds me that life here kat dunia is just temporary. Apa sgt la kita nak kejar kan?

Till then korang. 


Unaizah said...

Salam perkenalan..

I went thru the same phase like you once. Dah bosan tahap max dgn keje. My maid lebih tahu about my kids than me. I gi keje my kids still tido & when i came back diorang dah tido. Finally, i became full time housewife. Everything that happened at that time menjurus ke arah keputusan tu dgn izin Allah.

Now, a few years down the road, i'm doing ok. Tipu la if i kata 100% happy. There are things you miss and there are times you wish things are different. BUT times spent with my kids...watch them grow etc are priceless.

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

salam unaizah.

thanks for your comment. you have no idea how much i appreciate it! sangat! finally ada jugak orang yang memahami and pernah melalui the same thing!

i wish i could be like you some day, Insya Allah!

and thks for reading!

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