Aku baru noticed that I rarely talk about my work kan?
Except when I got the job offer, and those few byk-keje-komplen entries.. yg boleh kira dgn jari..
Well this time around pun aku bukan nak citer pasal kerja / ofis / what i do..
U see.. ofis aku ni kat tgh2 KL.. sebelah pavillion to be exact. Nak makan yg dekat and walking distance, normally org pergi pavillion. Food court kat pavillion an easily cost you RM10 for normal nasik campur meal. Blum campur air tuh!
Tu nasik campur.. belum kira lagi klu ikut org gi lunch kat pizza hut ke, tony romas ke.. drive pi klcc makan chillies ke...
Not that I am against makan tempat mahal2.. i also makan there once in a while.. tapi.. kalau tiap2 hari makan tempat cenggitu.. botak kepala laki aku kan?
So considering kat ofis ni ada microwave and fridge, i decided to bawak bekal. Asked my maid to cook something either the nite b4 or in the morning, bungkus sekali dgn nasik. So maid pun tak yah masak 2-3 kali.. sekali masak, aku bwk bekal, dia and anak2 pun bleh makan sekali kat rumah.
So during lunch, i just reheat the packed food, and makan ler aku sorang2 kat pantry. Then i managed to persuade my cubic-mate, kak min to bwk bekal sekali.. and yeay!! dia pun now dah join the club..
Few days later.. several other guys (guys tau.. bukan ladies) pun decided to join us.. and one of them suggested "why not kita masak nasik.. buat pot luck, bwk lauk memasing". Then esoknyer dia bwk his own periuk nasik.. and other gentleman dgn murah hati meng-sponsor beras.. and few of us bwk lauk from rumah..
So since then.. we kindda have our own pot-luck geng. Seronot!
Paling best.. pasal masing2 mcm tak kisah, tak berkira.. there will be someone yg akan masak nasi.. there will be somebody yg akan basuh pinggan mangkuk, yg akan panaskan lauk, and kol 12 sharp mesti ada org akan initiate the lunch.. panggil the pot luck geng.. "oiii... cepat makan .. aku lapooo" (aku ler tuuu)
So it has been 7 mths now.. everyday without fail mmg kitorang makan pot-luck kat ofis.. or we call it buffet style.. haha.. coz mmg seriously byk lauk atas meja.. of course.. friday tak de pot-luck, coz the guys pergi solat, so we girls pergi shopping mueheheh..
And the amount of money that we can save by eating home cooked food.. mmg tak terkira.. sometimes duit dlm purse aku tak bersentuh pun selama seminggu. (unless after lunch aku gatal kaki pergi pavillion heheh). Plus, eating home cooked food is much healthier kan?
Tu belum kira the time that you save by not eating out. Sometimes by 12.30 kitorang dah habis makan.. jimat masa beb! (nak pergi shopping lagi pun sempat ngengenge)
There was once we brought ikan masin, and panaskan kat microwave.. bau semerbak sampai ke dalam ofis.. hahhaha.. since then we never panaskan any lauk yg bau kuat..
So jgn terkejut klu dtg pantry kat ofis ni and nampak periuk nasik..
Nasib baik kitorang tak bawak dapur masak.. lagi haru..
mmg jimat byk ekkk... ikutkan.. aku pun bleh buat camtuh... but lauk2 kat 'pulau' nie sedap2 and murah... my lunch is always around RM5, not more than that, but always less... so kira okay laaa ;)
farah, RM5 is sooooooooooo cheap okayy.. klu murah and sedap cenggitu aku pun makan sana tiap2 hari! kat pavillion.. RM5 ko dpt air jer kot :P
dulu time ikut ofismate pi lunch, aku tak beli air..wahahahha.. nak jimat.. balik ofis maru togok air!
best ekk...untung hang dapat geng makan yg best. aku kat klcc dulu camtula, makan mahal gila, geng cina pi makan kedai cina..aku la jugak yg tergedik2 sorang2 makan kat tempat mahal tu and selalu tak beli air gak...hehe... luckily it's all over now!
yes lia.. mmg untung sgt aku kat sini ada geng best.. klu idak mmg beratus2 habis sebulan just for lunch!
in a way I'm grateful me keja kat kilang:
(1)pantry provided (with fridge, microwave, toaster & hot drinks)
(2)lunch kat kantin never exceed RM3(sbb company bagi lunch subsidies)
(3)Dont have to think abt kena beli baju baru (coz tetiap hari pakai uniform) or shoes (tetiap hari pakai sport shoes...
guess we are lucky in our own individual way.. ;P
So sweet.... Bagusnya... Dulu my office pun kat area tuh and kita org pi makan kan karyaneka.. Harga macam biasa jelah... Mee satu mangkuk RM 4 and nasi dalam RM 5..
linda, i knowwwww.. dulu aku keje motorola (kan lia kan???).. makan sgt murah... even when we stayed back late.. we had dinner there.. sbb murah sgt2... baju pun tak payah pk pasal we can wear jeans & shirt jer pi keje..
myra - eh kat sini eh? we all pun beli kat karyaneka sometimes.. but now dah ada canteen kat level 1 sini.. so tak yah jalan jauh2 kat sana dah..
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