Nope.. bukan aku yg dah kurus.. unfortunately not!
My darling koala bear.. unfortunately has shown very little progress in her weight and also height..
I blame it partly on her being so paranoid at the clinic and crying hysterically bila nak timbang and ukur panjang.. thus the nurse tak dpt ambik exact measurement :P
Seriously.. time nak letak dia on the weighing scale.. menangis bagai nak rak mcm nak kena tinggal and sshe kept clinging at me.. how la nak timbang berat?
then nak ukur panjang.. dok la meronta2 tak mo baring straight.. isk... camno?
so the nurse just resort to ambik apa yg bleh dibaca...
then the dr showed us the graph...
aiyakkk... sgt drastic the perubahan...
the past one year nampak cantek jer berat / tinggi on the average scale.. tetiba today's reading a bit (wayyy) below average..
well apart from the inaccurate measurement (i think, hehhe) i guess partly is contributed by her long suffering of coughing / flu abt 1-2 mths back. there's this time, she suffered on off coughing / flu for abt 3-4 weeks... masa tu mmg tak mo makan sgt.. susu pun kurang.. and mmg noticeably badan dia susut.
now.. about 1-2 weeks back.. dia dah start gained back her appetite.. and alhamdulillah dah bulat sket.
saya a bit worried.. tak cukup makan ke anak aku ni eh?
her normal meal during the day would be
2-3 mangkuk of bubur / biskut / fruits
4-5 bottles (3oz each) of breast milk
and mlm would be munching2 of anything that we are having..
and nenen all night long...
tak cukup ke eh?
coz nowadays aku tgk perut dia bulat... as bulat as the pipi..
when maid does her daily report to me every evening on what she had during the day, time tu my little koala bear akan gosok2 perut dia nak tunjuk betapa kenyangnya perut hehehe.. sgt comel..
so any additional food and i'm afraid the perut will meletup..
my instinct says that her weight gain is not that bad.. ye la aritu tanak makan of course la kurus sket.. but now she is doing okay..
but seeing the graph buat aku worried sket la..
but then again bila tgk nurse tu ambik berat / tinggi dia dgn condition dia melalak meronta pun aku tak convinced sgt..
so should i trust my instinct or the graph?
dont worry too much, babe! aku tgk sofeya tuh sihattttt walafiat... bebudak camtu le, bila sakit je mmg berat badan nampak turun sgt2. anyhow, MMG NKO KURUS dah laaaaa..!! seriousssss... yay to breastfeeding ;)
farah - sihat and bulat kan kan kan? aku kurus? muhehehhe.. jangan tegur benda pelik weih!!
takpe.. ok la tu. budak2 ni kejap dia naik kejap dia turun (berat).. normal rasanya. janji sihat.. :)
aishah - yg aku risaunyer pasal dr kata panjang pun tak memberangsangkan... but then again ikut gene aku kot.. kemetot..hehe
Normal lah tu.... my daughter lagi tak pernah pun bulat... Kuruih cengkediang dari baby sampai nan la ni... Takpa...
Tapi Sofeya sgt comel lah... Especially sapu2 perut tuh... Keh keh
Normal Konot, normal...
relatives aku dok kata, awatlah anak hang ni aku tgk tak besaq2...actually dia membesaq, tp tak gemuk, slim saja tapi makin berat. Bila dukung hari2 ja boleh rasa, badan makin padat, tulang keras...takdak gelebeh2 lagi, perut pun bulat. Hr ni aku pi check up, doctor kata his weight is increasing steadily, tak naik banyak or sikit sgt. Fuhh..lega!
myra - anak2 aku mmg pesen bulat2 belaka... hmmm.. i wonder mana dpt bulat2 niehh..
lia - itu lah kan.. aku nak tunggu next checkup bulan depan ni.. hopefully improve lah.. (provided dia tak meraung time nak timbang!)
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