pernah dengar? or pernah buat?
sila google, tengok you tube on how it is done. lama dah menda ni, tapi aku yg baru terkedek2 nak try. its basically an alternative nak remove facial hair or nak shape eyebrow. an alternative daripada nak waxing or tweezing.
aku dok tanya2 org yang dah buat, ramai kasik feedback okay. in fact the hair growth lagi slow and lagi halus each time kita buat.
and since aku ni sejak azali byk la pulak anak2 rambut yang tak dialu-alukan kan.. so i decided nak try la threading ni nak remove my baby hair..
yg aku tau, there's a lot of tempat buat threading area bangsar village. i went to this one indian beauty shop (most threading buat kat indian shop) kat area ampang point.
i think the indian ladies yg tukang buat threadingnyer (beautician la kot ye) semua memang from india. northern india kot. semua putih melepak and lawa2 set2 karisma kapoor. (ok... maybe 3/4 la kot from karisma kapoor). but, memang lawa la aku nengok diorang ni. and dok cakap hindi masing2. cakap english pun tak berapa nak fasih. melayu lagik la kan...
so i requested to remove my baby hair. dia suruh aku duduk kat kerusi mcm nak potong rambut tu and started 'assembling' the thread. tak de warning tak de haper.. terus je dia zrup zrap zrup zrap buat kat muka aku...
sakit okeh?? SAKIT!
especially bila dia nak buat the baby hair kat sides tu. hadoiii.. nampak la kulit aku tertarik2. siap aku boleh dengar org tu pulak yang kata "ttskk... tttskkk.. ttskkk"
sabo je haku. dia pulak ber tsk tsk lebih. tak membantu tauuuuu..
anyway, it was over in about 15 mins time. kejap jer. mr p pun tunggu dlm kereta je. the charges paling best. sangat MURAH. TUJUH tinggit je okeh... huahuahuaha..
but, no wonder la murah gedabak. i think overall service kat situ is so so je kot. a bit kasar i think cara dia buat. (i think, sebab tak pernah try tempat lain).
lepas dah habis, aku tengok kat cermin, MOTHER GRANDFATHER!! naik bengkak2 kecik kat area yg baru buat threading tuh! panic attack kejap for like 3 seconds. i asked them whether its normal. they said sbb ni 1st time aku and my skin is a bit sensitive, so yes, it is normal.
diorang ambik ice, balut dgn tissue and tuam2 area yg bengkak tuh. sampai rumah pun aku dok tuam2 lagi, and eventually the bengkak surut.
now.. mcm best pulak tgk muka sendiri dlm cermin.. kkuikuikui..
plus, i think next round, aku nak try buat full facial hair removal. sebab area yg dah remove ni mcm lembut giler bapak compared to area yg lain. and some people yg aku tgk buat full facial hair removal ni mcm lawa giler kulit. ye la, bila dah remove, apa2 skin care yg kita pakai, senang nak absorb masuk. and, bila pakai mekap, cantik la sket kat kulit kan...
but see how la. sakit tadi pun aku dok terbayang2 lagik. iskkk!!!
aku ingat process threading tadi
threading mana?
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