20 May 2010

Gini ceritanya..

Few weeks ago, sekali sekala balqis ada ngadu kat aku ada this one boy, well.. lets call him Patrick Dempsey (ye..mmg aku tak de laki lain) selalu dok kacau dia dlm kelas. Been doing things like..

-sorok pensel box dia
-ambik eraser dia
-patahkan kaler pensel dia.. etc..

U know.. things like that. Takat menda2 gitu.. aku just nasihatkan balqis supaya tell the boy nicely, or kalau tak jalan the tell the teacher.

Aku pun teringat myra kata normally budak laki ni kalau dia suka budak pompuan, trick dia dok kacau cenggitu la..
 So maybe la si patrick dempsey ni ada hati kat anak aku kot..muangahahgahgah..


Sampai la last few days where balqis dok ngadu lagi kat aku patrick dempsey ni dok kacau dia lagi. And kali ni.. aku korek habis2an from balqis what actually budak ni dah buat.. mind you.. not only ambik brg2.. but more okeh.. like..

- mintak duit from balqis.. and when tak dibagi..
- tendang balqis.. or her chair..

hmm.. that explains why aku pernah nampak tapak kasut kat baju balqis sometime ago. When asked, balqis cam takut nak explain kat aku.. she just said dia jatuh. Jatuh cemaner pulak yang sampai elok je tapak kasut org kat baju kan? Masa tu, I told her.. ”better not happen again else i will call your teacher”

so I asked balqis, since bila benda2 ni start happened? Dia kata since pindah tempat duduk sebelah patrick dempsey ni.. which is april. Hmmmm

then I said.. can u tell your teacher what happened, then ask to change tempat duduk. Dia kata tak berani.. then I said.. “kalau cam tu mama pegi jumpa teacher.. ok?” dlm hati aku was expecting.. dia tak mau aku jumpa cikgu.. but.. however, she agreed.. and when she agreed, I know something must be really wrong sampaikan dia nak aku masuk campur..
 so semlm.. about 2 pm camtu.. I called the school office. Aku introduced myself, anak aku nama sapa, kelas mana.. then I said “saya nak buat pengaduan sikit.. rasanya mcm anak saya kena buli dlm kelas ni.. dgn siapa boleh saya cakap?”

right away the office kata…”pengetua ada sekarang.. saya transfer line kat pengetua ye..”

so I told the principal what happened.. pas tu aku cakap “saya tak nak besar2 kan benda ni.. syaa paham budak2 kdg2 nakal.. Cuma nak mintak klu boleh tukarkan tempat duduk je”

then the principal told me.. that she really appreciate aku call and bagitau benda ni, pasal some parents would not, and just cakap2 belakang.. and they will definitely investigate. Dia appreciate sgt aku call and bagitau.. and told me that although aku just nak tukar tempat duduk, she feels that they (the school) need to do more sbb tugas diorang is to educate the children. So bila ada benda yg salah mcm ni, they will have to investigate. Just by tukar-ing the tempat duduk wont solve the problem..

betul la jugak kan?

Then about 4 pm camtu.. the penolong kanan called me. Bagitau aku yang diorang dah buat siasatan.. dah panggil kedua2 budak. (balqis and patrick dempsey). Each and every thing that I told the pengetua, cikgu ni confront patrick dempsey betul ke tak dia buat.. and surprisingly budak ni ngaku..

Sampai ke tahap mintak duit tu.. dia siap ngaku dia pernah mintak duit kat anak aku sebyk SEMBILAN kali. Bila tanya balqis.. dia cakap byk kali..but dia tak ingat. Nasib baik balqis jawab tak ingat.. pasal kalau balqis jawab tah apa number.. and buatnya tak sync dgn sembilan.. nampak sgt one of them menipu ye dok?

Anyway aku pun agak pelik la.. boleh si patrick dempsey ni keep track eh brapa kali nko mintak duit?

Anyway.. budak tahun 1 kan.. sigh..

So the teacher took the boy’s photo and told him ”saya dah ambik gambar kamu ni.. kalau kamu buat lagi.. saya hantar gambar kamu kat polis tau?”

Tau takutttttttt...

Then the teacher asked patrick dempsey to apologize to balqis.

And the teacher also told me.. “anak puan ni saaangat baik.. dia ok je maafkan patrick dempsey ni.. in fact masa patrick dempsey ngaku dia tendang.. balqis cakap “sakit sikit je”… and dia sangat pandai.. even tho patrick dempsey mintak duit byk kali.. balqis tak pernah bagi pun..”

Mmg ler tak bagi.. aku dah warning seploh kali.. jgn kasik duit kat org, else aku tak kasik duit banjer lagi..

And.. the teacher also called patrick dempsey’s mother before call aku and explained to her what happened. Aku terkedu kejap.. pasal like I said before.. aku tak nak besar2 benda ni. But the teacher said.. the mother needs to know what happened.. and yg bestnyer.. his mother is also the teacher kat sekolah tu.. huhuhuhu…

So.. gitu la ceritanya..

Aku mcm hepi sgt.. pasal firstly i think i did the right thing by calling the school kan? And secondly.. aku hepi pasal the school took me seriously.. and not only that, they took action.

Its true la then.. mmg aku selalu dgr good things about SKTM2 ni.. especially the pengetua yg mmg sgt2 concern pasal budak2 and parents. Aku pun so far kalau call office sekolah.. mmg elok jer diorang jawab and layan.. unlike this one private school dulu aku pernah call.. heh.. nama jer private school, tapi layan org tepon mcm bangang. Elok2 aku nak consider balqis masuk private school, terus kensel!!

*alasan semata2.. padahal tak mampu huahuahuahuaha*


Nuyui said...

Are you in Season 6 of GA? Please DO NOT proceed to watch the season finale. PLEASE! What I'm feeling is NO GOOD. If you think George's death's worse this is even ...

Konot said...

eh ye ke??? alahaiii ni yang lagi i nak tengok ni!!!

plssss dont tell me!!!

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