05 January 2010

my long weekend

so where do i start?

ikut kronologi lah ye...

rabu i was on half day leave.. nak perabih annual leave ku yg seciput. so took sofeya pegi dr khairul for her 18mths punya jab. as usual the little girl melalak sampai naluri bergegar.. sampaikan dr cakap "ye la ye la.. dah habis dah injection.. lepas ni toksah dtg dah sampai umo 4 tahun.." tgk tu sofeya.. sampai dr pun halau hang..

so on khamis as update in FB, was me and balqis's girls day out. sonok sgt beb! lama tak kuar berdua mcm tuh. little girl sofeya duduk rumah ye..muehehe.. dah stop jerit and pandai behave sok sok mama bawak jalan sekali k?

we started the day by walking to bangi kopitiam for bfast. bukan sesaja jalan..tapi sbb tak de kereta..huhuh.. anyway tak de la jauh sgt.. abt 15 mins.. ok la.. i took her the short cut i used to guna dulu2 masa aku kecik2 jalan pegi kedai.. reminds me so much of my childhood...

then lepas bfast, jalan pegi dentist, sbb balqis ader appt nak buat scaling & polishing. plus aku nak tanya dr apsal la gigi depan dia tuh dah patah for like 2 mths kot.. tapi x de tumbuh2 pun. and aku? well aku jadi pemerhati jer.. aku takut dentist okeh? and aku takut buat scaling tuh.. no no no no!

surprisingly balqis nangis la plak time nih. last 2 visits, sonok jer dia. in fact this visit dia yg insist nak pegi. nak wat camner kan.. takkan tgh2 scaling tu nak balik kot? but she said to me "lepas ni tak mo pi dentist dah.."

ahh sudah... dah jangkit penyakit aku dahh... like mother like daughter...

after the unpleasant experience kat dentist, kitorang ambik cab ke jusco wangsa maju. her feveret place kan? main game sat.. then had lunch kat johnny's..then SHOPPING!!. bukan brg aku.. but brg2 sekolah balqis yg mana blum beli lagik.

dah beli brg dia..kena lah beli something for the sister. dah tu carik la jugak for the mother..malangnyer tak de yg berkenan. pas tu aku tgk tgh sale kan.. beli lah lagi brg2 rumah apa yg tak de.. beli punya beli, aku lupa yang aku tak de kereta.. so ngangkut la berkodi2 plastic beg tu ke taxi station.. perghh.. putus tangan akak!!

budgetnyer nak shopping sampai thari jer.. so kot2 bleh la ambik train pi klcc and tgk wayang.. ni dgn berduyun brg, shopping pun sampai kol 3, tgk wayang mendanya... balik jer la kan..

where was i? khamis eh?

oh kehhh..

so mlm tu ingatkan nak balik subang, but since new year eve, sah2 la jam merata.. so we spent the night kat melawati.. mr p bawak balqis and her sister gi bukit melawati during midnite nak tgk fireworks.. aku? dok umah baca twilight :p

and oh yeah.. mr p's youngest sister is currently staying with us. baru lepas SPM, and dpt keje part time kat ampang puteri spital. so everyday pegi balik keje dgn kitorang. sonok gak ada budak ni kat umah.. balqis pun ader kawan..

so on friday, balik subang and spent the day kat sana. mlm tu went out to subang parade nak dinner. we were at MPH (aku carik buku twilight but sold out!). aku dgn sofeya tgh duduk2 baca buku, then suddenly this boy (abt 2 y.o) dtg and tendang sofeya! then sofeya terkam aku and peluk, then the boy's maid dtg and verbally marah the boy.. ok lah kan.. aku pun senyum jer la kat maid tuh... budak kan..

then suddenly this boy tendang sofeya again..even tho sofeya tgh berpeluk dgn aku.. wat la kan.. aku rasa nak kasik backhand jer dah kat budak tu.. and the maid cepat2 tarik tgn budak tu and apologize kat aku berkali2.."sorry ye kak.. sorry!"

lepas tu.. i saw the boy's mother came..then the maid cakap "akak tgk ni.. budak ni tendang2 orang!"

well.. naturally... kalau korang jadik mak budak tu.. what would you do?

A. sepak budak tu balik
B. sepak diri sendiri pasal tak pandai jaga anak
C. apologize kat aku
D. none of the above

surprisingly.. the mother did nothing. NOTHING. even tho aku ader depan mata dia.. she just took the boy's hand and walk away.

tak de courtesy eh?

hate to say this but no wonder lah anak ko camtu.. like mother like son!

ok udah ngumpat orang...

so saturday was balqis punya orientation.. which will be in another post.. sbb aku nak bebel panjang sket heheh.. and the rest of the day was spent lazying around and layan-ing the girls..

sunday morning patutnyer bangun awal, pegi groceries kat tesco, balik and have bfast kat umah parents aku. tapi since kitorang 4 branak bangun pukul 9, mueheheh.. so mandi2 and terus ke danau kota for free bfast. groceries postpone!

then sham and liza & their gorjes 8 mths old arissa came for lunch. lama tak jumpa. bergegar rumah aku dgn gelak ketawa mr p & sham. sham is our MBA classmate.. yang sgt rapat dgn we all, dari zaman bercinta sampai la skang dah branak pinak..

and the rest of the day was spent organzing balqis's school stuff.. jahit badge lah.. tulis nama lah.. besa la aku.. mak yang sgt nerves.. hehe..

then monday... ahhh.. school... another post eh? saya sambung baca twilight kejap..

peace bebeh!
ololololo manja anak mama!


Cik Puan Kamil said...

Hmm... mula2 aku baca, aku rasa budak tu suka Sofeya... taktik budak laki memang cam tu...

Tapi bila baca tang mak dia... hmm.... I have nothing, NOTHING to say ok.... Anak aku tumpah kan air kena kat orang pun aku paksa dia apologise... Which reminds me.. I have to write an entry about that...

Ha ha

Konot said...

cik puan kamil.. i have nothing else to ay abt the mother... hmmphh!!

anyway i have to say this.. bila aku baca balik entry aku.. aku teringat kang hang!! haha.. sbb aku jarang post panjang2 pasal weekend aku muahahah..

sonok jugak eh membebel pasal weekend kita?

liadevega said...

hari tu aku cakap ayesha baru patah sebatang je gigi depan kan? and semalam patah lg sebatang...in the class..dgn keluar darah berjurai2, ngan kengkawan sume panik..nasib baik anak aku cool, amik handkerchief, tekup kat gigi and lari pi cuci kat toilet...hihi my clever girl. now she looks exactly like balqis...tp dah nampak gigi baru nak keluar dah.

about budak yg ganaz tu..i reserve my comment la abt the kid, takut anak aku pun jadik macam tu tp one thing for sure i will not react like the mother la...

Konot said...

lia.. i saw in th photo ayesha punya gigi dah tingal sebtg kat depan tu..heheh.. sib baik dia pandai weih.. auk rasa klu balqis tu dah teriak kot!!

well abt the kid.. i guess tak perlu nak marah lebih2 kot..dah nama budak kecik.. aku pun takut jugak anak aku jadi lagu tu.. but we as the mothers la.. have to set the right example..

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