24 April 2014

Down.. and under


Lately, rasa agak down. Started dgn sakit lutut ni. Especially hari ni, dono why mood mcm kelaut sangat. Selalu siang hari mmg I would be so productive and will fill in my time doing whatever that needs to be done. Dari pukul 5.30 pagi sampai 9.30 malam I would definitely do something and jarang dapat duduk tak de buat apa.

But these few days, pagi2 lepas semua org pegi keje/sekolah I would just sit down and watch tv sampai Sofeya nak balik sekolah, boleh?

Memang sangat pemalas. So lazy, I know.

Nak kata PMS, na ah, don't think so.

Nak kata sbb tak bleh lari, eleh dulu pun bukan lari sgt apesal tetiba sibuk nak down sbb x leh lari kan?

Then after some deep thoughts, I think aku agak down because of this jaga makan/workout thingy.

I dono about you, tapi aku mmg susah sangat nak jaga makan. My no 1 culprit is NASI. I just kenot live without nasi. Nak suruh aku jangan makan benda manis dessert mcm kek, kuih, aiskrim etc, okay, boleh, tak de hal. Memang I am not a fan of those pun.

But you kenot ask me to eliminate nasi from my diet. I'll go crazy, I swear.

Dah few times I tried at least x makan  nasi malam. Or try to limit nasi once a day.

I tell you, lagi kuat aku berazam, lagi menjadi aku makan nasi.

So you get the point, of my love hate relationship with nasik.

So believe it or not, aku mmg down sbb I am so tired of this never ending battle.

This stupid battle between my tummy and my brain.

I think, nope... I KNOW if I just can reduce my nasi intake, my weight issue senang nak control.

Workout, so far aku x de masalah. I love working out. Even tho kekdg malas (let's face it, duduk makan nasi lemak sambil tengok Vampire Diaries is way more exciting) but I would at least workout once or twice a week minimum.

I'd rather workout than jaga makan, truthfully. 

Sigh, kan best kalau makan nasi boleh kurus!


Cik Sar said...

Sama la kita u.. but I lagi terok kot.. semangat membara2 nak kurus, tp I cannot live without nasi. Nak berlari cam konot mmg so not me juga. Maka, padanlah muka ku..

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

hi 5 lah.. padan muka kita kan.. hehehe

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