Few days ago balqis told me that she feels that adik dia lagi cantik.. and that makes her sad.
I asked what makes her feel that way? is it because ada org cakap ke..
She said no.. dia sendiri yg rasa mcm tu.
She said rambut adik cantik.. mata adik yg paling cantik sekali.. bulat, besar and bulu mata cantik.
Firstly.. aku tak mau between adik beradik asyik compare between each other, ESPECIALLY pasal physical looks ni. Memang pantang betul la aku kalau dok compare2.
Secondly, IF, you have to compare la kan.. (you, means balqis.. hehe). Well, i think both of you are equally pretty, in your own ways.
Yes, sofeya has the PRETTIEST EYES I've ever seen. Mata dia sangat besar and bulat and the eyelashes are like.. OMG.. aku pun jeles okeh... sometimes i just do nothing and just stare at the eyelashes, atas and bawah and wondering she is so lucky tak payah pakai mascara/eyeliner kat lower lids..unlike me yg kena jugak apply tapi tak pandai2 and end up jadi mcm smudged and mata aku nampak lebam.. hmmphh!
And her hair i have to admit, luckily tak inherit rambut aku yg kasar and frizzy. tu yg balqis jeles sgt. But then again girl, rambut tarak hal okeh.. besar esok mama bawak pegi rebonding..:p
But Balqis, she has the SWEETEST SMILE that can make you terleka sekejap pasal the smile is sooo... sweet.. :)
Seriously, okay maybe i'm saying these (the eyes and the smile) sbb i'm their mother. but seriously, aku rasa balqis punya smile is like so manis and menawan. Even mr p sendiri, selalu terleka bila balqis tgh bercerita sbb menengokkan balqis.
Ada this one time, balqis tgh bercerita (she always smile when bercerita, which makes dia lagi sweet) and mr p mcm leka menengokkan balqis, then mr p turned to me and said "balqis ni cantik kan?"
hahha.. and of course, balqis cam blur2 like.. awat la daddy aku ni kan.. tak de kena mengena dgn apa aku tgh story tetiba cakap aku cantik pulak..
And yes, i have to agree that balqis punya features mmg cantik.
Bertambah pulak dgn lesung pipit yg dia ada. (which now tak nampak sgt pasal pipi embammm.. haha). so imagine la dgn senyum comei.. lesung pipit lagik.. perghh.. mahal okeh anak dara aku!!!
So girls.. please try not to compare yourselves okeh?
Kalau nak feel good about yourselves meh la compare dgn mak kau yg dah menggerutu ni.. :p
yg aku tau bulu mata aku lagik cantek dari abang aku
tapi kita jgn tengok bulu kening. pasal wolverine dan krekredibel hulk pon jeles tengok bulu kening aku. hehehehe
eh ha ah la jawa.. bulu mata kau mmg cantik kan! huhuh jeles boleh??
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