10 December 2010

aku bukan mata duitan... tapi..

kalau korang dah buhsan baca pasal my jobhunting sila stop now.

cut story short. on my last day kat keje, pak belang called again, nak interview for another position. 

so semalam (thursday) i went and today (friday) they called. cakap they are offering the post. BUT instead of meeting the minimum expected salary that i told them, what they are offering is less than what im currently getting.

paycut la in short. boley?

what would you do if you were in my place?

kampeni A offer you a 25% increase. 
pak belang offers 5% paycut

kampeni A agak jauh distance. 
pak belang kat tgh2 KL.

kampeni A punya medical benefit tak best sgt. 
pak belang is unlimited

kampeni A punya boss is laki (aku suka pasal laki ni kurang emo).
pak belang punya boss is pompuan and dgr kata mulut laser.

kampeni A punya workload (i think) is challenging and environment not so stressful
pak belang punya workload konfem rilek and environment konfem best

so how?

why i want to go to pak belang
-because my friends are all there
-because keje konfem rilek
-because dekat dengan rumah

why i want to go to kampeni A
-because i still want to learn and grow and i can see the opportunity kat sana
-because (i think) they see my potential and they appreciate me. 

aku bukan nak mengejar duit sgt. in fact mr p pun cakap, tak yah pk pasal duit sgt. pilih mana yg buat aku hepi. ntah la. kalau tak pk sgt pasal the kampeni, mmg aku pilih pak belang. and once aku masuk pak belang, aku rasa thats it for my career. aku akan pencen kat sana.

with the paycut, aku kena tanya diri aku, willing ke aku nak stop kat sini? org2 yg makan gaji sure tahu, kalau duduk je kat satu kampeni, payah la nak naik gaji berkepuk2. alang2 nak berenti berjobhunting, kalau gaji aku dah berkepuk2, ok la kot kan?

again, money is not the real issue. one factor that i am looking at is my personal development. i am only 33. nak ke aku stop kat sini? masing2 ada cara sendiri nak cari duit. ada yg buat business, ada yg jadi academician. mcm aku, i think i am good at what i do, so aku rasa at my age and condition now, i still have so much to learn, and have so much to contribute.

and now the most important issue, which is related to money but sebenarnya bukan. aku tatau mcm mana nak explain, but i hope org akan paham. when people give offer you certain amount on salary, it shows how much you are worth. likewise, when you demand certain amount, it shows your price, your value.

so, bila org value aku murah, its reflects mcm mana org tu pandang kita. 

i am worth this much, and if you cant meet, that you dont deserve me.

thing is, dulu pak belang pernah mention yg aku ni desperate nak masuk situ, sampaikan kalau offer gaji yg sama pun aku akan accept. sakit hati kan?

and now they offer paycut.

desperate sgt kah aku? sampai willing to accept paycut?

nampak mcm aku berat ke kampeni A ke?

ntah la.. i am still thinking. next week aku decide.


Unknown said...

Go for company A for ur career development.... More salary means more motivation!!!!! Nanti boleh belanja aku beg COACH satu nooo.....

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

heheh.. yes dot.. im in kampeni A skang :)

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