11 March 2010

It’s not me. It’s just them. I don’t belong here. They don’t deserve me.

I dono how to susun ayat cemaner lah.. so here’s the thing.

I was rated below average for my last year’s appraisal.. thus this year aku tak dapek bonus langsung.


I am done feeling upset and angry and frustrated. I am done crying and sobbing and wasting my precious tears. Mahal ok? Bonus 10 bulan pun tak mampu nak bayar air mata aku tau???

It’s not about the money. Bak kata mr p.. “tak pe.. duit boleh cari”

*cari byk2 ye bang… i lap u*

It’s not the money that matters (ewahhh...mcm kaya sgt)
It’s about the unjustice and stupid blardy principle that are so beyond frustration. Yes.. WE.. bukan aku sorang yang frust.

To those who don’t know.. you may say that elehh kalau dah tak perform tu terima jer la kan? Nak marah2 buat apa kan?


Well aku bukan nak berlagak.. tapi..

Aku ngajar tuition for 3 consecutive years.. student aku dapat semua A.
Aku kat maybank paling low pun rated average.. twice rated above average.
Aku kat hong leong for 2 consecutive years rated above average and recommended for promotion.. but I left hong leong for this stupid brainless company!!!!!

Then tell me why tiba2 kat sini aku rated below average?



Again.. aku bukan nak berlagak ye.. that’s why I only tell these things here. In my private blog. Coz think I know who my readers are.. and I think you all pun kenal aku kan?

Well.. they can say anything. They can give me any damn rating, I don’t give a shit.
You don’t deserve to have me here.
You are too dumb to appreciate the value of what I do.

I take this as a blessing. I take this as a sign that I don’t belong here in this land full of shit. It’s a sign that I have to move on. Make things happen. I just cant stay here and be somebody who I am not. I just cant.

OK lah.. to be fair.. aku tanak blame it all on others. Maybe its me.. I’m not smart enough to blend with the shit.

Its true that they say you cant have it all.

Dulu2 tempat aku keje I never have close friends (except in maybank) but alhamdulillah the company is fair. Well.. at least they appreciate the value of what I do.

Kat sini, well you get the point of how dumb the company is. But did u know that I have a circle of good friends here? Not good.. GREAT. Tah la aku tak tau nak describe mcm mana.

They are the friends yang aku rasa aku akan kenang sampai bila2. Yang very close to my heart. Kawan yang boleh bawak nangis sama2. Yang boleh rasa kesusahan and kesedihan hati aku.

I feel so grateful coz I am surrounded with so much love.

I don’t think I need to explain what they did.
I just don’t know how to tell them how grateful I am.
Aku doa jer la kat Allah, moga Dia bagi ganjaran utk balas hati budi baik diorang.

Sayang korang okeh


liadevega said...


pasai ni ka yg hang dok sedih sebelum ni?
what i can say is that yr company is a cheapskate... tak pernah lg aku dgr staff tak dpt minimum bonus.

Konot said...

sebelum ni u mean my status kat FB semlm? yes.. tapi aku tak sedih dah. with this thing happening, mata aku terbukak and aku kenal kawan2 aku and i realized how much they love me!

FBI said...

yeaaaahhhh.... this is the down side of makan gaji ekkkk? i think i know what your friends have done. i've seen this happenning in my prev employment :(

mantoi said...

Hidup Konot !!!

Konot said...

farah.. u'll never guess what they did!!

man.. welcome!!!

aishah said...

itulah yg terjadi kat aku 2 years back..
sgt2 down masa tu..
aku tau kau wil overcome this..
take care konot.. n cheer up

Linda said...

cemana diorang buat review tu? I seriously think that you can go and check, point by point & verify the things they said you perform below average.

Skang ni Konot, dah takleh bagi muka jugak kat majikan ni, lagi kita kata "takpe" lagi diorang naik kepala..silap² gaji pun kena potong...

company aku selalu kata takde profit, tapi production ngan sales tinggi...takde profit apekejadahnya sampai boleh beli camry 6 bijiks kasi kat director (tu pun mujur tahun lepas bonus still kami dapat)...so skang ni aku start claim for every minute aku stayback buat keja, and datang keja during weekend, aku claim gak OT, and meal allowance...exec n above tak entitle for OT pun, tapi kalo anak aku OT sampai pukul 8-9 malam kat taska, company tu nak bayar ke?

rilek okeh konot, wat u need to do now is pasang strategi, bonus tak dapat, ko korek dari cara lain lak..

Konot said...

aishah.. sian kita kan.. tak per.. wat goes around comes around.. kena be smart la lepas ni..

linda.. wah hebat strategi nko.. aku punya strategi.. keje mcm kampeni mak bapak aku. sbb dah tak de cara nak korek.. aku fully utilize the time that i have jer la muahahahha

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Kadang2 depa saja je sebab memang tak nak bagi kan... Kalau awal2 kata tak nak bagi satgi hangpa mogok so depa guna startegy lain... Haru betui lah... Sometimes duit tu nak bayar big bosses yang tak cukup2 duit.. I know.. I have seen it happened.

Konot said...

cpk.. tak nak bagi udah..

Nomee said...

Aku setuju ngan Linda. Kalau aku, aku check satu-satu point dalam appraisal tu balik. Cilakak betul lah.

Konot said...

nomee, aku MALAS nak argue benda yg aku tau mmg aku takkan dpt apa2..

they will ALWAYS find a way to beat me jugak... so why bother..

Alfian_Troxion said...

jadi... ke mana pula lepas ini wahai puan Norliana :D sudah ada pelan?

anywayz, i know how u feel. kat kilang lama aku dulu pon... manager aku adaa je la benda yg dia kata tak elok time bonos ke apa ke... walhal sebelum interview utk appraisal tu, seyum bagai nak rak kat aku.. semua kerja buat betul, takde yg salah... etc. tapi time bonos... Oh, ure performance ain't that good... (but of course, takde bagi reasons... ).

tapi takpe... kat UPM ni... hehehe. bonos Najib yg kasik, so mmg takde appraisal. Tu pon kalau dia bagi... which aku rasa dia tak nak bagi lepas ni :P tapi takpe... kerja sendiri2... elok2... lepas tu cepat2 dapat profesor. leh bukak kedai jual baju sekolah bebudak macm kat Alamanda tu ye dok? kekekekeke

Konot said...

ke mana..ntah la jawa oiiii...

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