18 August 2009

Motherhood - aku yang lembut (ye ke?)

Since Kamalia and Myra talks about motherhood aku pun nak nyibuk skali jugak..

lia specifically cakap aku ni “softest, lembutest and loveliest mother on earth” tu dia… on earth tuhhhh…

hmmm.. I dunno if I shud take that as what…

compliment ke?
kelemahan aku ke?

Or is it simply me?

I do get angry… tapi sometimes lah.. sbb klu ada yg aku tak puas hati I normally can resolve by talking it over with balqis. (dlm hal ni aku guna exmple balqis la byk… sofeya sikecik tu tatau apa lagik… dia nak tu nak jugak.. klu tak bagi dia bukak volume speaker)

Like this morning punya example…

She has follow up appointment with Dr Khairul.
Klinik hours Dr Khairul fom 9 – 4.30 only.
She has not been attending school since last week.

My options would be
- skip school, gi klinik
- gi klinik, masuk school lambat
- gi school, go clinic esok (esok bukak sampai mlm)

Aku tanya Mr Photographer, he said gi hari ni jer, takut esok balik ofis lambat ke apa ke.. so I told balqis, u wanna go to school or not? Coz we have to go to clinic today.

Balqis start merengek coz she really wanna go to school. Masuk school lambat is not her option, takut cikgu marah. End up dia tak mo gi clinic.

Aku hangin ler dengar dia merengek… so my options that time would be:

- “Am u cakap lah dgn anak u niehhh.. malas i nak layan!”
- “Sudah la merengek, jgn nak ngada! We go to clinic then masuk school lambat.. PERGI MANDI!”

Tapi I know neither would make her happy, kang aku jugak tensi, alih2 migraine plak kan?

So aku cakap elok2 dgn dia.. well panjang sgt la plak nak tulis… but basically aku reason out dgn dia… why we have to go clinic today, why its ok masuk school lambat.. yada yada..

And waddaya know.. dia pun stop rengek, senyum and mandi willingly…
There… problem resolved, everyone is happy…

So, should I be more garang?

p/s Tapi ni satu example la… I must admit ada jugak incident lain yg aku tak berjaya reason out things nicely with her, which results in using veto power as parent to make her do things.. and resulting in her buat muka masam and merajuk…. heheh


shell said...

dah besar kau ngan balqis sure macam ala ala gilmore girls eh :)

Konot said...

shell, hahah..exactly.. dulu time aku single, berdua dgn dia jer.. mmg aku ada la sket ala ala perasan kitorang ni mcm gilmore girls.. :P except the part aku kena adjust sket kasik lawa cam mak dia kuauakuakuakuak

Munie Mustafa said...

mmg kena reason out with kids ..baru tadi reason out ngan muzafar pasai apa cikgu dia marah dia ...baru ok mau pi school ..cikgu tu pun satu daaaa..ngan budak 5thn pun nak garang lebih2 ...my son tu sensitive sikit bila kena marah mula tak mau pi school ...tension gak aku

Linda said...

err..I admit, aku memang mak yang sangat garang..."since you are living under MY roof, you must go by MY rules"... :P

anyway, lepas marah tu memang kena reason balik aa apesal ko marah, kesian kat budak tu tak paham apesal tetiba kena marah...

i still need to learn more abt parenting skills...

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Konot you r who u r. I dont think u would be happy if u jerit2 kat anak.... I dont yell either but I am very garang... he he... Cakap tu tegas lah..

But if I do yell, I would feel so guilty and rasa macam bodoh sebab can loose control...

So be who u r. At least u takdak manja kan dia and ikut je apa dia nak... itu mmg mancari nahas di kemudian hari...

Konot said...

munie - cikgu ni mmg tau kekdg... kat sekolah balqis tu aku tgk menjerit tahpahapa kekdg.. bila ada makbapak pandai plak senyum.. ampeh!

linda - nko mmg garang siot... hahha

myra - exactly!!! klu aku terjerit.. mesti aku rasa bodoh and guilty.. nengokkkan muka balqis terkebil2 tak paham apa... hadoi laaa

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