10 March 2008

Someone is missing me…

Cuti sekolah dah start. Balqis dah cakap since last week that she wants to sleep at kak ani’s house during school holidays. Specifically she told me “ma.. nanti ma pack 8 baju siang, 8 baju malam, 8 panties, sbb adik nak tido rumah mak long 8 hari ok”

8 hari tuh… I asked “nanti kalau ma rindu mcm mana?
She said “ma call jer la..”

Okehhh.. eksyen tuhhhhh tak per.. tak per…

So semlm I packed 1 set of baju only, coz today (Monday) my parents are coming home from Taiping, and surely the cucu2 will come over and tido celah ketiak tok and tok wan. And u know.. my little princess said “apsal 1 jer ma? Kan adik nak tido 8 hari?”

I explained that the grandparents are coming back, and she will definitely come back home with the cousins… and she said “ishhh..adik pening lah tido tukar2 niehhh”

Ek ehhh.. mcm dia la plak yg sibuk pack, unpack, basuh baju ek?

So anyway, semlm petang after lepak2 makan2 at kak ani’s place, mummy and daddy nak balik.. so I called her.. “balqis… ma dah nak balik…”

And she said “ok… bye”

Chaissss… mcm tu jer? Aku ni sibuk la emo lebih2 rindu randa…

Mlm tu I called, she sound ok, happy, ngadu cousin dia nakal lah itu ini..

Pagi ni sampai ofis I called… muehhehehe

Me: Hello.. balqis ok ke?
Balqis: hmmmmm… ok
(suara sedeyyyyyyyyy)
Balqis: ma…….. bila ma nak ambik ni?

Aik???? I tot ada org sibuk sgt nak tido 8 hari?? Nak gelak pun ader.. but if I tell her this, mana lah dia paham kan? But truth is, cam kesian plak dgr suara dia gitu…

Me: naper… adik rindu ma ke?
Balqis: ha ahhhhh.. nak balik…
Me: ok.. balik ofis nanti ma ambik ye…mlm ni kita tidur sama2 ok?
Balqis: ok…

Alahai my baby… rindu jugak mama ye?


And no.. I’m not gonna say anything on PRU12 here. Ever since aku pernah gaduh dgn kawan baik aku dulu becoz of different view on politics many2 years ago, I stopped talking about politics openly. But I do exercise my rights and pergi mengundi..

So pesanan penaja kepada pemerintah.. kalau dah janji tu sila buat ye? Timaseyyy

And kalau buleh masukkan wish list saya sekalik..

- cuti bersalin setahun fully paid effective anytime before July..
- kos bersalin fully subsidize effective anytime before July
- kos nak menguruskan badan lepas bersalin mcm spa/gym/facial etc fully subsidize



Inn said...

she's so comel la.

Konot said...

inn-tu la..cam maknyer nge nge nge

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