So we are going to Penang for cuti2 malaysia this weekend. And u know wat.. the whole family is having flu, and my maid is having very bad fever.
This is sooooo not the time to get sick ok?
Last nite aku sumbat jugak si Balqis makan ubat flu and demam.. jgn ler sakit nak pi jalan.. dah la tak pergi concert sbb nak pi Penang, ni sakit plak.. aiyohh.tak enjoy la jalan nanti… moga2 sumerang cepat lah sembuh!!
Talking about concert..
I tot, I had agreed with the teachers to let her continue practicing the dancing performance sbb teacher will let her perform again during end of the year school party. Last Monday she told me.
“Ma, adik kat sekolah tak belajar pun.. ada dancing ajerr…”
I asked “best ke dancing?”
She said “adik tak dancing pun… cikgu kata tak payah…”
I said “lahh.. habis tu adik buat apa?”
She replied “ adik duduk tengok ajer la…”
Aiseyy.. kesian ok anak aku…
So I called the teacher… but aku tak marah ler.. the principle also tergezut, coz she intends to include balqis in every practice, coz end of the year party she is choosing balqis punya performance. She said, she will tell the class teacher again to include balqis in the practice.
So okay lah..
On Tuesday.. again balqis said she did not practice.. aiik.. awat plak lagu nih? (tapi dlm hati cam ada doubt sket.. betul ke tak practice, or anak aku yg exaggerate, or dia auta aku)
So today (rehearsal day), I went to see the class teacher. Teacher yati kata balqis mmg join dancing and even for today’s rehearsal. Cuma tak sure if can give her baju awal2 coz since dia tak join concert, kawan dia akan replace dia during the show. So kawan dia will need to pakai her costume. So camno nak bagi baju kat balqis awal2 kan?
Tapi kalau tak kasik, sian pulok nanti sumerang dpt baju, dia sorang x dpt.. I told the teacher if can give better lah..but if kenot u just tell her elok2 that the friend will pinjam first and will give to her later..
Si Balqis ni normally kalau kita cakap elok2 dgn dia.. Insya Allah dia ok.. urmm.. well.. sometimes lah.. heheh. Kdg2 kalau time hangin dia tuh.. cakap cemaner pun tak jalan.. kena ugut kurung dlm bilik baru jalan :P
Speaking of that…
Kan kitorang pergi IKEA last Saturday. Si kecik tu byk la plak pe-el. Nak itu ini..merengek sakan. So sampai kat tempat nak check-out bawah tuh..kan ada tempat storage byk kotak2 tuh kan.. I told her..
“Tgk kotak2 atas tuh.. budak2 yg notty2.. suka merengek..tak mo dgr cakap mama dia.. nanti org pakai baju kuning tuh ambik, bawak masuk dlm kotak.. habis mama dgn daddy dia shopping..baru ambik balik…”
Dgn muka cuak dia reply “ haa.. betul ke ma?”
I said “betulla… cuba adik tgk tuh” (ada sorang mak dgn budak tgh cakap dgn org ikea). “Budak tuh kena masuk dlm kotak la tuh… notty sgt.. tu mama dia tgh cakap dgn org pakai baju kuning tuh… nak masuk jugak ke?”
She yelled..“TAK NAKKKK!!!!”
Muahahah.. so I said .“kalau tak nak.. buat perangai elok2…senyum sket..diam2 tau!”
Sian anak aku kena tipu…. But surprisingly dia behave so baik..muka pun tak sudah2 senyum.. muahahhahahahah
now that's a good trick ;)
adam is oso starting to have his own 'perasaan'... ishhh...
farah - apa nak buat.. dah besar dah bebudak tuh...
nomee - eleh keji la konon...aku nak tgk bila aiman besar trick apa ko nak pakai nanti heheheh
Dear Konot, thank you for the useful tip. Will use it during emergency.
Anyway, kita org balik Penang jugak Saturday ni. But since we have never met, then Assalammmualaikum andaikata kita terlanggar bahu kat batu Feringhi nanti...
Selamat Hari Raya !!
myra - you are welcome! baru feringhi is beautiful lah! rumah kat sana cantik2.. and the food is yum yum hhee.. must have a post on this!
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