12 September 2007

the unsatisfied customer

remember my previous entry ada parents yg tak puas hati sbb anak dia tak de improvement in my tuition class?

well the parents decided tak mo continue.. tu pun selepas aku try to call sebanyak 15 kali nak confirm. tak mo continue cakap jer la kan? takut aku kecik hati kot.. tak der kecik hati nyer... business is business lah..heheheh

me too.. on the other hand.. tak mo continue customer2 yg 1. tak profitable (every mth aku kena jadi ceti menagih hutang) and 2. merosakkan reputation aku. (parents and anak 2 x 5 tak kisah, so apsal plak aku nak terkedek2 sorang2 kan? esok2 anak tak de improvement salahkan aku plak..)

so its a win win situation...

on the other hand ada jugak parents yg happy..who decided to continue next year, plus nak hantar their other kids as well. Alhamdulillah.. rezeki.

as of the case yg tak satisfied tu.. hmm.. aku tak der la nak menyalahkan sesiapa. the parent told me i shud've been more garang, jerit more, tengking more so budak tu takut sikit. i, on the other hand, have a different opinion and different approach.

i believe some kids kena bagi close attention, monitor everyday, tgk dia buat homework, tgk dia buat kerja. bukan simply lepas to cikgu, tuition teacher or neighbours to monitor their kids. as a parent, u yourself kena check their work. get involved dgn the child punya journey and development. bukannya kena check the end result semata2.

so, bila anak tak ada improvement, the first thing that people tend to put blame is on teachers lah, tuition teachers lah, org jaga anak dia lah.. and simply say "i dont hv time to monitor!"

there you go!

no time?

well.. shudn't we make some time for our kids?


Amy said...

Iyer, setuju! Aku malas nak layan parents yg anak dia mmg malas nak dtg kelas tapi expecting wonders to happen. Pastu salahkan management tak monitor anak dia, siap salahkan library buku tak cukup, bleh?

konot said...

amy - haaa?? ni la 1st time aku dgr salahkan buku library.. cehh..tak pernah dgr ke internet? info merata2 ada... elehh.. kalau nak salahkan org lain..mcm2 la alasan..

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