30 August 2007

I miss her

her demam is getting better, syukur alhamdulillah. went to school oredi today.

i miss her a lot.. u know..

i haven't send her to school for quite some time. i miss doing that. i miss having her salam and cium my hand and then my turn to hug and kiss her before school.

now that mr photographer is around, balqis will insist that daddy sends her to school.. mummy pergi ofis dulu, adik nak tidur lagi! first few days ok lah.. mummy pun tak lambat pergi kerja, balqis pun dpt tidur lagi. but after a while, i miss sending her to school lah.. but apa nak buat.. takkan nak paksa dia bangun awal plak kan?

so maid will be incharge of getting her ready to school, which again, another thing that i miss a lot in doing it.

last 2 nites, balqis asked me if she can sleep with the maid. trying very hard not to be so super duper controlling and protective.. i just said yes.. and kissed her goodnite. (hoping very hard that she wud change her mind). my prayers answered, 10 minutes later dia cari mama jugak hehehehehhehhee....sukanyer aku!

semlm, she asked again to sleep with maid

balqis : mummy.. can i sleep with kak rahsia?
me : errmm... u dowan to sleep with me ke?
balqis : i want... but i wanna sleep with kak rahsia tonite
me : tomorow u sleep with me?
balqis : okay...
me : butttt.. if i am lonely tonite then how?
balqis : tak apa.... daddy kan ada?
me : ala.. daddy..daddy la.. i still want u!
balqis : it's ok... it's ok... daddy ada... u don't cry in the middle of the nite ok?

heh?? dia suruh aku jgn nangis? (sebenarnya mmg aku nak nangis bila pk tidur without her). u see.. few weeks ago she wanted to sleep with my parents.. i let her.. end up my mother ketuk bilik aku 2 kali in the middle of the nite coz balqis was melalak bagai nak rak mintak susu.. so u see now why i wont let her tidur dgn org lain? (apart from me being jealous.. heheheh)

so ok lah.. i let her sleep with the maid.. and this time she really fell asleep i tell u! no more carik mama! arghh..jeles.. jeles... so i let her sleep sampai lena.. then.. then.. muahahhahaha.. aku dukung dia balik bilik muahahahahha..

then this morning, as usual dia nak peluk.. aku pun peluk la.. tapi takkan nak peluk sampai petang kan? i have to go to ofis la obviously kan? so u know.. she cari maid.. and said nak peluk maid at her room..

chisssss... jeles ke tak jeles?

-the-unwilling-to-let-go mother-


fbi said...

ohh yeahh.. the dilemma... having the same experience here. adam la nie sungguh sentitip! tegur skett.. dah nangis, dah nak carik org lain suruh pujuk dia. but most of the time, lepas dah pegi tido (esp with my mum) dia musti dtg bilik mummy dia balik.. heheh.. kalau dia teruss tido, penat sgt la tuh - tido mati ;)

konot said...

beb..aku rasa kan..semlm pon dia tidur mati kot..sbb b4 tu dia makan ubat flu.. so sah2 ngantuk kan? hehe..

-aku yg jeles-

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