21 August 2007

i cannot think of a title

gambar kawin and gambar jumpa farah and ayu lom siap.. godek2 hardisk aku tadi jumpa gambar si kecik ni posing pakai specs.. boleh lah ye?

keje aku sungguh slow skang. project dah rollout. training dah habis. now its up to users nak pakai ke idak.. nak follow procedure ke idak. aku, of course kena ensure org follow procedure, tapi kalau dah 2-3 email hantar, call tak berjawab.. bukan salah aku ler kan? so since balik kawin harituh, keje aku dok nganga, blog, nganga, baca online paper, gym, lunch, nganga lagik, surf, nganga, balik.. fuhh. best! tapi hari ni aku extra rajin, buat sket2 proactive work.. ye lah.. early confirmation tuh baru proposal by boss, belum sampai HR kekekekeekke.. kang dah confirm aku nganga jer la tiap2 hari.... :)

convocation is this saturday. baju haprak tak prepare. unlike time first degree dulu.. siap tempah baju baru beb! this time, sb dekat sgt dgn kawin kot, so tak kose dah akak nak tempah2 baju. pakai jer la baju mana yg ada. one thing tak best is we hv to pakai tudung provided by the university. iskkk... muka aku is soooo tak kena dgn tudung kaler cream ok... plak tuh the tudung is so keras and kejung.. iskk.. camner?

the tudung issue put aside.. but im so happy and lookinf forward for the convo. penat2 belajo siang mlm tak tido, finally dah habis! semua effort sgtlah berbaloi. and paling best dpt convo dgn husband! and paling best jugak dpt ambik gambar family nanti! sonok lah si balqis nanti..we plan to pakaikan her the dress that we bought for the wedding. sian dia.. time wedding tak sempat nak berposing sgt sbb demam.. tunggu convo then kita posing puas2!

my parents are away in taiping for work. dah seminggu kat sana, by right ntah bila nak balik. i called them yesterday bagitahu abt my convo, and they said ok, diorang balik friday nite nanti. iskk.. terharu aku.. balik sini semata2 nak attend aku punya convo ok.. sayang mak ayah!

i still live with my parents. so by right tak payah la beli apa2 keperluan rumah, like perabot, kitchen stuff, electrical stuff etc. but u know.. time2 mcm ni.. ada jer benda2 yg rosak yg nak perabih duit aku.. like few days ago blender aku rosak.. and now microwave plak rosak.. haiyoooo.. and kebetulan ex colleagues from SCOPE kasik jusco voucher, so semlm habih dah voucher guna utk beli blender and microwave.. isskk.. baru ler aku plan nak beli kasut ke, baju ke, apa2 ke.. there goes my shooping budget!


reenazack said...

tudung convo uia tu kan, during our time, what we did was took out the jalur lambang hijau tu and jahit kat tudung beli sendiri yang kaler same n comfortable to wear.. After all u dont have to return back the tudung..

konot said...

aje: eh tak payah return balik tudung ek? wahh!! thks for the tips! nanti aku buat!

JueOny said...

Sib baik Aje dah explain....tudung UIA yg tali dia kena ikat kat blakang tu kan??...follow Aje' tip. Jahit tangan jer...Congrats to u n hubby again...2 bestest things at 1 time hahh...nicee!!!

konot said...

jue: tak de pun ikat2 kat belakang.. dia mcm tudung biasa, tapi kain cotton..keras nak mati!

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