03 July 2007

My first nite sleeping without Balqis failed!!

Plan to train her sleep on her own. Even tho not in seperate room, but in my current room she has her own area. So we use existing single mattress, beli cadar pooh yg cantik2, bantal yg comel2, and obviously, dia mmg suka gila and willingly nak tidur on her new 'bed'.

The tilam is placed right beside my bed, so pagi2 just tolak jer tilam tu masuk bawah katil. Mlm2 kuarkan and tadaaa.. she has her own 'bedroom'.

The first nite, after tutup lampu, she told me "ma, gi la tidur atas katil ma, adik tidur sendiri" erkk.. ok.. aku kena halau huhuhh..

ok lah..after few times saying good nite and hugs and kisses, i just watched her fall asleep. then i tried to sleep.. after few moments, iskk.. tak bley tido i tell u.. rasa cam pelik.. i feel the urge nak tido bawah dgn balqis. just watching her is not enough.

nevertheless i just ignored and tried again to sleep. after few moments i think i fell asleep, when i heard balqis merengek minta susu. i qucikly wake up and buat her susu, and i felt mcm tido tak lena.. mcm.. rasa2 cam lelap..tapi tak lena.. paham dak?

so after buat susu balqis..aku pun join sekali dia tido bawah,.. hehe.. and u know.. aku tido lena sampai pagi... best!!

now dah masuk 3rd nite, i am still adapting.. sighh..tak bleh tahan la tido sorang2..


Anonymous said...

Tak per, nanti tido ngan Am boleh tahan...

landen said...

jgn risau, nanti ada org sebelah :P

konot said...

ampeh la korang... aku nak citer aku ni dah attached sgt tido dgn balqis.. masuk citer org lain plak.. iskk.. konfius..konfius.. hehe

JohnLabu said...

hehehe... nanti tido ngan mr photographer boleh nyenyak sampai subuh... lepas buletin utama dah ngantuk dah... hehehehe

aishah said...

hahaha.. ni maknye yg lebih2 ni.. anaknye mcm ok je tido sendiri. takpe2 prektis lagi

Mak Su said...

hai...salam kenal. Assalamualaikum. ni kes mak tido bawah ketiak anak ker?

konot said...

john - syoknya kalau lepaa buletin utama teruih tidoq.. si kecik tu kurang2 pun kol 11 baru lelap.. camno?

aishah - mmg kena praktis.. dah byk kali dah aku kena halau ni.. heheh..

mak su - hello! selamat berkenalan.. hehe.. btw ni mmg mak yg kena tidur bawah ketiak anak.. hehe..syiok!

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