13 July 2007

Maid punya cerita

This happened yesterday.. get ready for the most-est hangin-est time of my life...

Balqis has been sick, fever and cough since Tuesday. So semlm duduk rumah jer la, ponteng sekolah. At 11.30, I called home, maid said balqis is sleeping.. okaylah...

At 12 noon, Balqis called me. Tgh melalak sakan minah tu.."nak mama... nak mama.." aku ni ingatkan dia melalak biasa. coz normally kalau bangun tidur dia akan nangis cari aku. So aku pun dok la pujuk cam biasa...

Ada la dekat 10 minit, then I heard my maid's voice.."dahh..dah.. ok.. ok..." then maid said to me "Saya pergi buang sampah.. dia terjaga dari tidur..." then she continued pujuk Balqis..then terus letak phone..

I was like... HUHHHHHH??????? terkedu seribu bahasa.. jantung aku mcm nak terkeluar!!

Wat the hell man?? U mean u left her alone in the house sleeping, kuar buang sampah, then Balqis woke up alone and crying hysterically alone??

Remember the time I trapped in the lif and Balqis was outside alone.. how I felt cam nak mati dgr balqis nangis and jerit sorang2.. well.. this time it was like 10 times rasa mcm tuh, plus rasa nak marah and menjerit kat maid.... can u imagine?

I mean.. God.. wat was she thinking? ke she did not even think? giler ke hapa? kalau budak tu kena kidnap ke, rumah terbakar ke..apa ke.. iskk..nauzibillah..

Lepas terkedu for a minute, I tried to call back the house.. no answer.. I called her hp..

Maid: Hallo..
Me: Apa ni kak???
Maid : Saya pergi buang sampah..
Me: Kenapa tinggal dia sorang2?
Maid : Dia kan tidur..
Me : Ye la sampah tu tak boleh tunggu ke? Kalau jadi apa2 tadi mcm mana? Akak tak fikir ke? Tolong la akak..kenapa buat mcm ni? (God knows how much I tried to control and not to yell and maki hamun dia masa nih)
Maid : ok..ok.. sorry...sorry...

Aduihhhh.. sorry naik lori la beb...

Aku jadi mcm nak gila... mcm helpless.. ye la.. org tinggal2 anak aku camtuh.. ingat anak kucing? Told my mom about this. Mak aku tanya dia (maid) elok2..wat happened? She (maid) said she's very sorry, mmg dia admit mistake dia...

After 4 yrs++, ni la 1st time jadik benda gini.. I mean.. sebelum ni mmg byk ler benda2 aku tak puas hati..tapi asalkan jaga Balqis elok, aku tolerate jer la.. tapi dah jadi gini, aku cam hilang trust sikit..

But looking at her expression, somehow I know dia mmg ikhlas minta maaf, and rasa bersalah amat sgt.

Well I guess no matter how hangin I am, aku tetap maafkan dia. But this time only lah.. kalau jadik same case mcm ni lagik.. mmg aku kena pikir balik lah...

Side story sikit..

menda2 mcm ni buat aku jadik helpless.. pasal mcm mana hangin pun, u still hv to depend on them (maids).. i know i know boleh hantar nursery itu ini.. tapi i guess generally, at some point in any situation, things are out of your control and you just have to depend on something.. tu yg buat aku frustrated sket..

secondly.. do you know that Balqis can dial my number oredi? hehhe.. I'm so glad u know.. she can hafal my hp number.. tu pasal masa dia bangun, tak de org, she pick up the phone and dialled my number.. clever girl kan???

malangnya she was crying hysterically that she unable to sampaikan message yg she was alone that time. i tot nangis biasa.. so ptg semlm i told her..

me: lain kali kalau adik nak tepon mama, jgn nangis2.. cakap elok2.. baru mama paham..
balqis: tapi adik rasa mcm nak nangis...
me: nangis sikit2 sudah la..lepas tu cakap elok2 bleh?
balqis: tapiiii..adik nak nangis byk2...

iskk..ni lagi sorang emo btul.. hmm..mana lah dpt ek? hehehhe

heh..now aku nak gelak la.. semlm.. cam nak guling2 nangis kat ofis..


liadevega said...

tak patut, tak patut...
aku sanggup dukung anak aku yang tgh tidoq kalau nak turun bwh amik apa-apa brg kat keta. tp, we mothers have different instinct i guess...
and ayesha pun tahu la dail no aku, no papa dia and no tok mama dia...hehe..nak jugak eksyen tuh! jgn mare...

Anonymous said...

Mana your parents masa tu ?

konot said...

lia - anak hang mmg terer!

my parents was away..outstation

JueOny said...

aku baca story ko pun rasa cam nak tecabut jantung...am maid aku gak buang sampah pastu terkunci diri kat luaq coz pintu umah tutup cepat n terlock....sib baik aku ada kat umah masa tu....after that case....no more buang sampah kat luaq time org dewasa xdaq kat umah....biaq busuk skali pun...phobia beb...

konot said...

jue! kasik la address.. bleh aku pos kad kawin.. email me kay..

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