31 July 2007

I'm blogging from office

not that I dont have any work.. but me so bored. pagi2 lagi kena bambu dgn user bangang. belum pakai system lagi dah cakap mcm2 menjerit menyalak2...

so difficultlahhhhhhh
kenot do this lahhhhh
kenot do that lahhhhh
old system is better lahhh


and best thing is esok aku kena train 50 org on the new process and new system.

imagine kalau 50 org mcm dia.. camner la idup aku esok?

kes kes kes... sadis..

anyway aku teringat zaman presentation kat MBA.

in my finance class aku, Mr Photographer and kak win satu grup dgn abg man - the sifu in finance. so kalau presentation dlm class, bila kena tanya, muka sekor2 blur... and kitorang bertiga akan pandang muka abg man, hoping he will help to answer the question.. muahahahha..

so esok.. i will do the same thing.. tak tau jawab or kena hantam kalu.. aku buat muka blur pandang muka boss!!

kes kes kes..


Amy said...

All the best for tomorrow..kalau diaorg byk tanya, ko sumbat je dgn slide tuh..keh keh.
Woi, mana gambar bilik yg dicat tu.. susahla nak imgine bilik takde gambo
-Demanding blog reader-

konot said...

aku ni mmg pemalas update gambar kan? hehe.. so opposite dgn post2 nko yg WAJIB ada gambar tuh.. nanti la weekend ni bila free aku soh jugak dia ambik gambar!

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