17 July 2007

His birthday

Today (17 July) is Mr Photographer's birthday.

Happy birthday to youuuuuu
Happy birthday to youuuuuu
Happy birthday to Mr Photographerrrrrrrr
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu

We had small celebration last nite with my family. Paling best, mak aku yg suggest.."eh.. jom la buat surprise!" perrghh.. pandai btul ambik hati bakal MIL.. sampai mak aku yg organize the makan2... heheheh.. timasih mak..

Balqis made him a card.. of course.. aku ler yg tulung belikan kertas, cut it etc, but she did the writing herself!

to YOU..

Wishing a very Happy Birthday.. semoga diberkati umur dan dimurahkan rezeki, Insya Allah.

Thank you, for everything..
for being with us,
for loving us,
for making us happy
and for complementing our lives.

We love u..

Balqis and Mama..


Amy said...

Konot - Birthday dia sama dgn nephew aku, Adam la...eheheh

linaleeds said...

hehhhehe...touching tuhh :-)

konot said...

amy - lah ye ke? cakap kat adam yang comel lote tuh, aunty konot cakap happy birthday!! hugs and kisses from aunty konot!

lina - heheh... ikhlas from the heart.. ceeewaaahhhh!

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