its comforting to know that u still have people u call friends..
people yang u can depend on..
yang boleh offer their help without being asked..
and most importantly the ones that u get super excited when u see them!
to farah - tq for the lunch date!
to UIA lunch geng - bila lagi daaa nak makan ikan bakar? takkan sekali jer kot?
happy weekend people!
-aku yg byk keje and problem kat ofis tapi maleh nak pk-
farah semail ke? aku rasa aku ada ternampak dia tgh hari tadi. tak nampak ko pun. segan nak tegur pasal aku tgh selekeh gillers :p
yeaous... farah itu ler.. aikk.. aku yg sebesor2 kobau ni pon nko tak nampak? iskkkk...
kawan sehati sejiwa susah nak cari, bila dah dapat... jgn lepaskan
betul tu mak su! consider yourself lucky f you have these kindda frens!
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