
10 May 2012

Sofeya and school

I blogged about Sofeya going to school, happily here

The again here, where she started crying dah.

Sometime in Feb, she started buat perangai every morning tak nak pegi sekolah. Tapi kak jah berjaya pujuk dia somehow, and managed to get her to school.

In March, things getting worse. Sampai mr p kena masuk campur, paksa dia pegi skolah. Almost hari2 aku tepon dgn cikgu dia discussing what to do.

April, aku dah start fikir if we should stop her temporarily from school

U see,

Every morning dia akan meraung tak nak pegi sekolah

4 jam kat sekolah, she will cry on off, and some of the days she will cry non stop.

Balik sekolah, dlm van continue nangis sampai ke rumah.

She's not a failure, she is just not ready.

Apart from her not ready, well, I think the school doesn't suit her. 

BUT, I better not discuss what my thoughts are in public, takut menyentuh sensitivity sesetengah pihak.

Cuma, kesimpulannya, with the amount of money that I am paying, I think  the school unable to cater her needs.

Ok tutup mulut konot!

Apart from that, we feel (aku and mr p) that Sofeya ni is a very, very bright child. She is ready for academic, but she is not ready for school, for social, friends, teachers, obeying rules, etc.

She can read, she can write, she can draw and she can color. For less than 4 y.o, boleh tulis ABC and 123 tu kira impressive la bagi aku.

Believe me, aku punya lukisan tu satu tahap je lawa dari dia punya. Ada sekali tu aku lukis kereta, dah habis tu Sofeya color. Maid aku tanya "ni sapa lukis?" Sofeya jawab "Mama" Maid aku boleh kata "laaaahhh kiranya adik yang lukis!"

Siot. Hahaha.

So, we decided to berentikan dia from school. Next year perhaps akan start again.

Its not an easy decision. 

Sofeya, sangat persistent tak nak pegi sekolah. We tried everything. Slow talk, forcing, pujuk, giving rewards, yada yada.


In fact we even sort of tarik balik one of her favourite 'thing' *ini akan di reveal kan dlm next entry, too soon to cerita*.

We said "kalau tak nak pegi sekolah then NO ***"

Surprisingly, she still tak nak pegi sekolah and willing to let go of the ***

Oh maiiii.. she is one persistent child, isn't she?

So, gitu la cerita anak dara ai.

We'll try again next year, shall we?

we love you k.. no matter what


  1. we love her too! no matter what. come here and i'll send her to school sini, sah sah tak mau balik lepas tu kut.

  2. babai cukpiah!! maklong rindu cukpiah!!

  3. aku pos anak2 kat hang masa cuti sekolah mau? sofeya so far dah bulih tidur sendiri..

    p/s am maybe going to washington in 1-2 mths time. he is thinking of pegi jenguk hang sekali. maybe lah. belum plan apa2.

    tapi, am sorang la.. huwaaaa!!!! jeles!!!!!
